I've decided that there are too many games and too much info to talk about all the new releases each week. So, each Tuesday I'll feature the biggest release on the air and post more in-depth info and a full list of releases on here so all my fellow geeks can stay informed.
This week's biggest release is definitely The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the Wii.
I've been a HUGE fan of the Zelda series since the original NES game (hence the Triforce tattoo on my arm) and the 16th installment in the series continues to impress. Using the Wii MotionPlus you will have full control of Link's sword as you travel between sky and land as you investigate why the two have seperated. Rated E10+.
For the karaoke fanatics (or Glee "gleeks") Karaoke Revolution: Glee 3 hits Xbox 360 & Wii this week.
Pretty straightforward here, you sign along with 35 songs from Glee Season 2. Rated T.
Next up, another installment in the long line of WWE rasslin' games, WWE '12.
Enter the squared circle with your favorite legends like "Macho Man" Randy Savage and The Rock or current stars like John Cena and Randy Orton.
In other game news this week, the makers of Skyrim offered any new parents who had their baby on the game's release date FREE GAMES FOR LIFE if they named their kid Dovahkiin after the game's main character... and here he is:
If this kid doesn't grow up to be a dungeon master, I'll be very surprised!
And before I head out, it appears PETA's attack on Mario (recently they claimed the Tanooki suit "advocated wearing fur") was meant to be "tongue-in-cheek". Personally, I think they made themselves out to be idiots and are backtracking.
Anyway, that's what's new in the world of gaming. Now go out there, and get your game on!