Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Episode 4: DLC FTW!

So it looks like the only real "release" this week is Grand Theft Auto 3 making its way to iPhone and Android this Thursday. Luckily, there are plenty of gaming extras coming out this week!

First up, today is the LAST DAY to become a founder with Call of Duty: Elite. Basically you get early access to new features and it covers the cost of all Modern Warfare 3 maps coming next year. Click here for more info and to register (today only).

Next, the first expansion pack out this week is for Battlefield 3 and it's called "Back to Karkland." 4 maps, 10 weapons, and 3 vehicles to add to your Battlefield experience. This expansion actually hit PS3 last week, launching on Xbox 360 this week. And it's FREE if you pre-ordered the game!

Gears of War 3 is next on the expansion list with "RAAM's Shadow." This is a prequel to the original GoW and features Zeta Squad (Lt. Minh Young Kim from GoW 1, Tai Kaliso from GoW 2, and Michael Barrick from the GoW comics). You also get to play as RAAM in one level.

Last on the expansion list, Assassin's Creed: Revelations is releasing it's Ancestors Character Pack. 4 new mulitplayer characters: the Privateer, Corsair, Brigand, and Gladiator.

Next week, very excited about this, Star Wars: The Old Republic hits PC. It's an MMORPG similar to World of Warcraft but set in the Star Wars universe a few hundred years after Knights of the Old Republic but still 3000 years before the rise of Darth Vader. Preorder now at swtor.com (click here for an explanation of the difference between Standard and Deluxe Editions).

So there you go, no new games but tons of new content. So expand your gaming world and get your game on!

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