Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Episode 7: The Next NEXT Generation

2012 has just kicked off and the gaming world is already peeking over the horizon to June's big E3 convention in LA. Mainly because there is talk that both Playstation and Xbox could be launching new consoles this year! Working names for the consoles have been PS4 and Xbox 720 but who knows what they may change them to by launch time. Rumor is that Nintendo may have a new Wii coming this year as well.

Anyway, getting away from rumors and back to some gaming news: Star Wars: The Old Republic has landed a spot in the Guiness World Record books with the biggest entertainment voice over project EVER! Over 200,000 lines of dialogue.

The first screenshots from the upcoming South Park RPG hit the web recently. Haven't seen any gameplay video yet but the still shots look almost identical to an actual South Park episode. Here's a shot from "Hippie Mountain". I'm guessing from the other images I've seen this may be more of a side-scroller but it could just be battle scenes (i.e. Final Fantasy) so we'll have to wait and see.

IGN has posted a list of EVERY game scheduled for 2012 release (obviously there are some that haven't been announced and some that will be dropped or postponed). There are a lot of good games coming but my Top 3 Can't Wait Games are Diablo 3, Halo 4, and Devil May Cry HD Collection (finally get to play DMC without borrowing someone's PS2, haha). Click here for the full list.

So there you go, lots to look forward to in 2012 already and we're not even a month in. Until next time, get out there and get your game on!

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